Installation and Removal of Software on the Computers 47
box. After this press the Settings button and in the window that will open
enter the proxy server address, user name and the password.
• Opening UDP Port 137 used to obtain Administration Server IP address in
Kaspersky Antivirus 6.0 Anti-Hacker. Check Enable NetBIOS in
Kaspersky Antivirus 6.0 Anti-Hacker.
• Adding a UDP port required by the Administration Agent to the Microsoft
Windows firewall exceptions list. Check Open Administration Agent
Ports on Microsoft Windows Firewall.
After the installation of the Network Agent you can change the values of the
settings used to connect to the Administration Server using the policy and the
application's settings.
If you remotely reinstall the Network Agent on the client computer the values of
the settings used to connect to the Server and the Administration server
certificate will be replaced with new ones.
The Administration Group tab (cf. Figure 25) is used to define a subgroup of
the Network group into which computers will be added after the Network Agent
has been installed on them. You can select of the following options:
• add computers to folders Corresponding to the computer position in
the Windows network: domain or a work group (this option is selected
by default);
• add all computers In group specified in the entry field. If you select this
option, enter the name of the folder in the field below. If the Network
group does not contain such folder, it will be created (you can also indi-
cate the name of any existing folder in the Network group).
This folder will be used to store all computers newly detected in the
network; even if a computer had previously been detected by the
Administration Server and put into the folder corresponding to its
position within the network before the installation of the Network Agent.
Computers detected in the network prior to the installation of the
Network Agent will remain in their old positions in the Network group.
After the installation of the Network Agent you can not change the folder to store
the computers in the Network group as this setting is not included into the policy
and the application settings.