Installing Kaspersky Administration Kit 27
By default a local folder KLShare will be created in the folder specified for
installation of the Kaspersky Administration Kit application components.
11. Use the next wizard dialog to specify Administration Server address (cf.
Figure 13) by setting:
• DNS name. This option is used when there is a DNS server on
the network which clients can use to obtain Administration
Server address.
• NetBIOS name. This option is used where clients obtain
Administration Server address through the NetBIOS protocol or
if there is a WINS server on the network.
• IP address. This option is used where the Administration Server
has a static IP address which will not subsequently change .
If required, check Allow NetBIOS Name Service in Kaspersky
Antivirus 6.0 Anti-Hacker. This will open UDP port 137 in Kaspersky
Antivirus 6.0 Anti-Hacker installed on the host. This port is used to obtain
Administration Server IP address.
Figure 12. Administration Server Address
12. After this configure settings to be used for connection to the
Administration Server (see Figure 13);