
HP NonStop S-Series Hardware Installation and FastPath Guide—541880-001
Installation Overview
PMF CRU and IOMF CRU Power-On Self-Tests
When the system is powered on or when a PMF CRU or IOMF CRU is initially
connected to the backplane, a series of automatic power-on self-tests (POSTs) are run
on the CRU. These POSTs take several minutes to finish. The three types of tests are:
CPU memory test (PMF CRU only)
System load path test (PMF CRU only)
Multifunction I/O board (MFIOB) test
At completion of certain self-tests, the service processor (SP) generates events in the
EMS log. Look for the SpEvCruTestComplete event for details about the POST
operations. To view these details, use the OSM or TSM Event Viewer.
CPU Memory Test
The CPU memory test checks the system main memory. If the CPU memory test
finishes successfully, the boot millicode starts the system load path test. If the test fails,
the service processor (SP) lights the amber fault LED on the PMF CRU.
Generally, the CPU memory test fails because of a correctable memory error (CME) or
a hardware error freeze.
To troubleshoot a failed CPU memory test, see Appendix D, Troubleshooting.
System Load Path Test
The system load path test checks the system load paths. If the system load path test
finishes successfully, firmware for the intelligent SCSI processor (ISP) is loaded, the
SCSI buses are scanned, the processor is reset, and the boot millicode starts the
multifunction I/O board (MFIOB) test.
To troubleshoot a failed system load path test, see Appendix D, Troubleshooting.
Multifunction I/O Board (MFIOB) Test
The multifunction I/O board (MFIOB) test checks the MFIOB. If the MFIOB test finishes
successfully, the service processor (SP) extinguishes the amber service LED on the
PMF CRU or IOMF CRU and generates an event, completing the POST. If the MFIOB
test fails, the MFIOB is either partially operational or not operational.
To troubleshoot a failed MFIOB test, see Appendix D, Troubleshooting.
Note. For IOAM enclosure, G4SA, and FCSA power-on self-tests, contact your service
provider trained by HP.