
HP NonStop S-Series Hardware Installation and FastPath Guide—541880-001
CPU Memory Test Fails
CPU Memory Test Fails
The CPU memory test checks the system main memory. If the CPU memory test
finishes successfully, the boot millicode starts the system load path test. If the test fails,
the service processor (SP) does not light the green power-on LED on the PMF CRU.
Generally, the CPU memory test fails because of a correctable memory error (CME) or
a hardware error freeze.
System Load Path Test Fails
The system load path test checks the system load paths. If the system load path test
finishes successfully, firmware for the intelligent SCSI processor (ISP) is loaded, the
SCSI buses are scanned, the processor is reset, and the boot millicode starts the
multifunction I/O board (MFIOB) test.
Signs of a Failed CPU Memory Test Corrective Action
PMF CRU green power-on LED
remains unlit.
Processor halts with a halt code
of %100236.
Hardware error freeze occurs.
1. Retry the operation.
2. If the test fails a second time, use the OSM or
TSM Event Viewer to check the event logs for
event messages. The location of a failed
memory CRU is stored in an
SpEvCruTestComplete event message.
The memory might need to be replaced.
Contact your service provider.
Signs of a Failed System Load Path Test Corrective Action
PMF CRU green power-on LED
remains unlit.
Processor halts with a halt code of
1. Retry the operation.
2. If the test fails a second time, replace the
OSM Guided Replacement Procedures
on page xxiv
TSM Guided Replacement Procedures
on page xxv