
HP NonStop S-Series Hardware Installation and FastPath Guide—541880-001
F. FastPath Tasks: Optional
F. FastPath Tasks: Optional
1. Prerequisites F-2
1a. Verify Required Configuration Changes F-2
1b. Review Initial System Configuration F-2
1c. Start Required Processes F-2
1d. Save Current System Configuration F-3
1e. If Your Server Will Be Part of a ServerNet Cluster F-3
2. Customize the System Configuration F-4
2a. Change SCF F-4
2b. Rename SCF Objects in the CONFIG File F-5
2c. Add SCF Objects to the CONFIG File F-6
3. Automate System Startup F-7
Modify Provided Startup Files F-7
Create Startup Files F-7
4. Automate System Shutdown F-8
Tips for Shutdown Files F-8
5. Configure a SWAN or SWAN 2 Concentrator F-9
Access the WAN Wizard Pro F-9
6. Configure an Expand-Over-IP Line F-10
Prerequisites F-11
1. On the NonStop S-Series Server F-12
2. On the NonStop K-Series Server F-16
3. On the NonStop S-Series Server F-18
4. On the NonStop K-Series Server F-19
5. On Either NonStop Server F-21
7. Install Software F-22
Configuring Software With DSM/SCM F-23
Installing a Software Product Revision (SPR) F-25
Safety and Compliance