
HP NonStop S-Series Hardware Installation and FastPath Guide—541880-001
Installation Overview
Modems modulate or demodulate digital information so that it can be transmitted or
received over a telephone line. It is recommended that you equip primary and backup
system consoles with modems connected to dedicated phone lines. This allows system
consoles to dial out for remote notification of system problems. Dial in for remote
access by your service provider can also be configured.
Dial-out capability lets the OSM or TSM Notification Director notify a remote service
provider of pending hardware and software problems. Either of two system consoles,
defined as the primary and backup dial-out points, can be used for dial-outs. In this
guide, these are the primary and backup system consoles. If your system has only one
system console, it is defined as the primary dial-out point.
While both OSM and TSM software can be installed on your system console, you
should use only one of the Notification Director applications to avoid creating duplicate
incident reports and dial-outs for the same problem.
In a dial-out situation, incident reports are forwarded by the server to the primary
dial-out point. If the primary dial-out point does not respond, the reports are forwarded
to the backup dial-out point. Either dial-out point uses the modem to send these reports
to your service provider. Because your service provider has no access to the server,
dial-outs are completely secure.
Configure dial-out capacity with the OSM or TSM Notification Director. If a LAN
contains multiple servers, the primary and backup system consoles should be
configured to receive incident reports from no more than 10 servers on the LAN.
For information about dial-out situations, see the OSM User’s Guide or the TSM
Configuration Guide.
Note. Dial-out and dial-in are not available in countries where the provided modem is not
certified. In these countries, you cannot dial out incident reports to, or accept dial-in
communications from, your service provider.
Note. The NonStop system console and OSM Notification Director support using HP Instant
Support Enterprise Edition (IEEE) as a web-based alternative to modem dial-out functionality.
For more information on ISEE:
See the ISEE for NonStop topic in the Service Information section of the NTL Support and
Service Library to learn about ISEE prerequisites and NonStop-specific details that you will
need before downloading and configuring the ISEE client from the HP Hardware Support
Services Web. Authorized service providers can see ISEE for NonStop- HP Internal on the
NTL employee site.
Contact your HP representative.