
FastPath Tasks: Optional
HP NonStop S-Series Hardware Installation and FastPath Guide—541880-001
3. On the NonStop S-Series Server
3. On the NonStop S-Series Server
3a. Configure and Start an Expand-Over-IP Line-Handler
1. Return to the SCF prompt at the NonStop S-series server.
2. Create a profile for the Expand-over-IP line-handler process by entering the
following SCF command:
-> ADD PROFILE $zzwan.#pexpsip, file system.sys00.pexpsip
3. Add the Expand-over-IP line-handler process as a device to the WAN subsystem
using the values you record in Table F-1. Fields that must be replaced by values
you record in the worksheet are highlighted in boldface italic type.
-> ADD DEVICE $zzwan.$sline, profile pexpsip, &
-> IOPOBJECT $system.sys00.lhobj, &
-> ASSOCIATEDEV $tcpip_process, &
-> CPU cpunum, ALTCPU altcpunum, &
-> TYPE (63,0), RSIZE 3, &
-> SRCIPADDR src_ipaddr, SRCIPPORT src_ipport, &
-> DESTIPADDR dest_ipaddr, DESTIPPORT dest_ipport, &
-> NEXTSYS sysnum
4. Start the Expand-over-IP line-handler process:
-> START DEVICE $zzwan.#sline
5. Exit SCF:
Table F-1. SCF ADD DEVICE Command Worksheet
Field Value
tcpip_process ____________________ (Step 3
on page F-14)
cpunum ____________________ (Step 4
on page F-14)
altcpunum ____________________ (Step 4
on page F-14
src_ipaddr ____________________ (Step 5
on page F-14)
src_ipport ____________________ (Step 7
on page F-15)
dest_ipaddr ____________________ (Step 7
on page F-17)
dest_ipport ____________________ (Step 9
on page F-17)
sysnum This is the system number of the NonStop K-series server that will
be connected to the other end of the line. NonStop S-Series system
numbers can be displayed using the SCF INFO PROCESS $NCP,
LINESET command. However, you cannot display the system
number for a system before the line has been configured. NonStop
K-series system numbers are defined in the CONFTEXT file.