HP NonStop S-Series Hardware Installation and FastPath Guide—541880-001
Dumping Processor Memory
Dumping Processor Memory
You can dump (copy) the contents of processor memory to disk or tape. Your service
provider can then use the memory dump to troubleshoot your system.
When a system or processor is online, you can dump processor memory to disk.
When a system or processor is offline, you can dump processor memory to tape.
Dumping Processor Memory to Disk Online
A processor dump to disk occurs online, over either the X or Y fabric of the system:
1. If a disk file called dumpfile does not exist, the RCVDUMP utility creates it.
2. The RCVDUMP utility copies the dump in a compressed format from the processor
into dumpfile.
3. As the dump proceeds, the status of the processor being dumped changes in the
Processor Status dialog box.
4. When the dump is finished:
The status of the processor again changes in the Processor Status dialog box.
RCVDUMP sends a message to the terminal-emulation window from which it
was run:
CPU n has been dumped to dumpfile.
Topic Page
Dumping Processor Memory to Disk Online
Prerequisites D-17
Procedure for Dumping Processor Memory to Disk D-17
Making a Compressed Disk Copy of a Dump File D-19
Dumping Processor Memory to Tape Offline D-20