
HP NonStop S-Series Hardware Installation and FastPath Guide—541880-001
6. Rename Software Files Using ZPHIRNM
6. Rename Software Files Using ZPHIRNM
1. Enter the following command using the SYSnn for the software configuration you
are backing out to:
The following prompt appears:
Do you want to use a log file with this session? (Y/N)
2. Enter Y. The following prompt appears:
You may use any file for logging. If you request to use a
disk file that doesn’t exist, it will be created as an
entry-sequenced file.
Please enter a filename:
3. Enter a disk file name. The following message appears:
Log file, filename, was successfully created.
ZPHIRNM then renames the applied files. ZPHIRNM issues an EMS event
message when it has successfully finished.
ZPHIRNM must run without errors to complete the software activation. If ZPHIRNM
notifies you of any errors, correct them and run ZPHIRNM again.
7. Stop System
Skip this step if SYSGENR and system load are not required for the revision you are
backing out to and were not required the last time you created a new revision.
1. Shut down any user applications that are still running, such as TMF and
2. Drain the spooler.
3. Log on to the OSM or TSM Low-Level Link.
4. From the Processor Status dialog box:
a. Select every processor displayed.
b. From the Actions list, select Halt.
c. Click Perform Action.
d. A message appears asking if you want to halt the processor. Click OK.