
Online Configuration Tasks
HP NonStop S-Series Hardware Installation and FastPath Guide—541880-001
The Subsystem Control Facility (SCF) configures, controls, and collects information
about subsystems and the objects (devices, subdevices, processes, and so forth)
belonging to each subsystem.
Using SCF commands, you can:
Add, alter, or delete objects (such as I/O processes or generic processes) in the
system configuration
Obtain configured or current information about objects
System configuration changes that are made online using SCF take effect as soon as
the object is restarted (using the SCF START command). For subsystems that are new
for the G-series, these changes are permanent; that is, they persist through processor
and system loads (unless you load the system with a different configuration file).
The general method for performing SCF configuration changes is:
1. Create a command file containing the SCF commands to implement a
configuration change.
2. For fallback purposes, save the current configuration database CONFIG file using
the SCF SAVE command. The following example saves the current CONFIG file to
a file named CONF0102 on the $SYSTEM.ZSYSCONF subvolume:
3. Invoke the command file created in Step 1. For example:
If the most recent change results in a problem, you can fall back to a known, stable
configuration by loading the system from the saved configuration file. These steps are
described in detail in the SCF Reference Manual for G-Series RVUs.
Initial CONFIG file
When a system is delivered, the $SYSTEM.ZSYSCONF.CONFIG file contains a
standard system configuration created by HP. The contents of this file, called the initial
CONFIG file, are described in NonStop S-Series Planning and Configuration Guide.
This initial CONFIG file is also saved on your system as the ZSYSCONF.CONF0000
file. See the SCF Reference Manual for G-Series RVUs for example displays from the
CONF0000 file.