Creating Startup and Shutdown Files
HP NonStop S-Series Hardware Installation and FastPath Guide—541880-001
$ZHOME Alternative
Because $ZHOME acts as a reliable home terminal designed to interact with the
system console, $YMIOP.#CLCI, HP recommends that you do not change its
configuration. Most important:
Do not specify $ZHOME for the INFILE, OUTFILE, or HOMETERM for the
$ZHOME process.
Never specify $ZHOME for the INFILE for a process. The $ZHOME process
returns the FEINVALOP error (file-system error 2) in response to any read
Generic processes started by the $ZPM persistence manager inherit
$YMIOP.#CLCI as the HOMETERM, INFILE, and OUTFILE unless these attributes
are changed in the configuration record for the generic process. HP recommends
that you configure most NonStop Kernel and system-level generic processes to
use $ZHOME for the HOMETERM and OUTFILE.
$ZHOME Alternative
Instead of $ZHOME, you might want to use the optional NonStop Virtual Hometerm
Subsystem (VHS) product if both of the following conditions are true:
The processes you are configuring cannot handle error responses returned if
$YMIOP.#CNSL or $YMIOP.#CLCI is not available.
The process must perform read operations to the device.