FastPath Tasks: Required
HP NonStop S-Series Hardware Installation and FastPath Guide—541880-001
3. Verify the System
3. Verify the System
1. Verify Components
1. Log on to the OSM Service Connection or TSM Service Application.
2. Use the tree pane to check for any enclosures that have yellow or red icons over
3. Double-click to expand the enclosure or Group object further to identify
components that require attention (yellow) or service (red).
4. Double-click the PMF CRU in slot 50.
5. Select the Processor object.
6. In the Attributes tab, verify that the Halt Code attribute has a value of 0 and that the
Halt Flag has a value of False in OSM, or 0 in TSM.
7. For the Processor object in the PMF CRU in slot 55, repeat Steps 4 through 6.
Task Page
1. Verify Components
2. Verify Critical System Processes E-31
3. Verify Disk Drives E-31
4. Verify Tape Drive E-32
5. Verify Firmware E-32
6. Verify State of the Internal ServerNet Fabric E-32
Caution. If a red triangle appears over an enclosure diagram, or if any component is
highlighted in red, contact your service provider.
Note. If the Halt Code or Halt Flag attributes do not match these values, see the
Processor Halt Codes Manual.