HP NonStop S-Series Hardware Installation and FastPath Guide—541880-001
About This Guide
This guide describes how to install and bring up a NonStop S-series server for the first
time. It includes information about installing the server hardware, cabling system
enclosures, installing and starting system consoles, installing external system devices,
and starting the server. This guide is written for anyone who is qualified to install a
NonStop S-series server.
This guide assumes that you are using the HP NonStop Open System Management
(OSM) or Compaq TSM software to perform the OSM or TSM tasks described in this
Who Should Use This Guide
This guide is written for anyone who installs system equipment at a customer site. You
should be familiar with computers but do not need to be familiar with installing
mainframe computer systems. However, those who perform the hardware tasks
documented in this guide must have completed training courses on system support for
NonStop S-series servers.
What’s in This Guide
Note. Throughout this guide, the term Sxx000 stands for NonStop S70000, S72000, S74000,
S76000, S78000, S86000, S88000 servers.
Information in this guide also applies to NonStop S7x00 servers of model S7400 and higher.
Note. NonStop NS-series, NonStop S-series, and NonStop K-series refer to hardware
systems; H-series, G-series, and D-series refer to system software.
H-series software runs on NonStop NS-series servers.
G-series software runs on NonStop S-series servers.
D-series software runs on NonStop K-series servers.
Section Title Contents (page1of3)
Introduction This section summarizes the installation process and
gives an overview of the NonStop S-series system.
Installing Enclosures This section describes how to unpack new
equipment and install NonStop system enclosures.
Cabling Enclosures This section explains how to cable enclosures in
NonStop S-series systems with power-on,
emergency power-off (EPO), and ServerNet cables.