
FastPath Tasks: Optional
HP NonStop S-Series Hardware Installation and FastPath Guide—541880-001
Installing a Software Product Revision (SPR)
f. To schedule a time for the Build/Apply request to run, click Scheduling...
a. In the Request Scheduling Options dialog box, enter a time for the
Build/Apply request to run.
To avoid disrupting other system activity, you can schedule the Build to run
at night (based on the time on the host system), and the Apply to run
immediately after the Build.
b. Click OK.
g. To submit the Build request, click OK.
DSM/SCM runs the Build and Apply requests as scheduled. A status window
opens and is updated regularly. The activation package is created, and the
new software is placed on the system’s subvolumes. When the Apply request
is completed, a snapshot is automatically created and returned to the host.
6. Activate Software
1. Print the operator instructions:
a. Log on to the Target Interface (ZPHITI) by using the super ID.
b. Select 3 (Perform target activities) from the main menu. Press F1.
c. In the list of targets, enter the number for the target (DEFAULT) on which the
new software was applied. Press F1.
d. In the Target Menu - Select Action screen, select 3 (Review operator
instructions for the last apply completed). Press F1.
e. Print the displayed operator instructions.
f. Verify the output location, and then press F9.
g. Press Shift-F16 to exit the Target Interface.
2. Follow the operator instructions to activate the new software.
The following steps summarize a set of standard instructions if a system load and
SYSGEN are not required. However, operator instructions vary depending on the
new software. Use the instructions that come with your software.
a. Stop all applications, including DSM/SCM.
To stop DSM/SCM and TMF, enter at a TACL prompt: