Chapter 2 Using Chromatogram and Spectrum Windows
2-4 Applied Biosystems
Specifying settings 5. Select a Restoring Graphics and Processing Settings
option to apply to new files you are opening (settings are
not applied to files in the list that are already open):
• Use Settings from Data File—Applies the last
settings used on the data.
• Use Default Settings—Applies settings from
the appropriate default .SET file for your
system. See “Default processing and graphic
settings” on page 1-18.
• Use Selected Set File—Opens the Restore
Graphics and Processing Settings dialog box,
where you select the .SET file to open.
For information on customizing a .SET file, see
Section 1.4.2, Customizing Processing
and Graphic Settings (.SET).
6. Click Finish to open the selected files.
The Data Explorer window displays the selected data
files with the processing and graphic settings you
selected (Figure 2-2 and Figure 2-3).