Peak Detection
Data Explorer
Software User’s Guide 3-11
3.2.3 Setting Peak Detection Parameters
This section includes:
• Before you begin
• Setting chromatogram parameters
• Setting Basic Settings (spectrum data)
• Setting Peak Processing parameters (spectrum data
• Setting Advanced Settings (spectrum data only)
• Resetting Basic Settings
Before you begin Before setting peak detection, read:
• Section 3.2.1, Strategy for Mariner Peak Detection
• Section 3.2.2, Strategy for Voyager Peak Detection
To set chromatogram parameters for data:
1. Click the Chromatogram window to activate it.
2. Click the trace of interest.
3. Click in the toolbar or select Peak Detection from
the Peaks menu.
The Chromatogram Peak Detection dialog box is
displayed (Figure 3-3).
You can click-drag the threshold cursor to adjust the
%Base Peak Intensity.
For a description of the parameters in the
Chromatogram Peak Detection dialog box, see
“Chromatogram settings” on page 3-19.