Index-14 Applied Biosystems
Isotope Match Intensity, elemental
targeting 6-33
Isotope Match Score
elemental composition 6-6
elemental composition, not
reported for fragment ion
calculations 6-6
elemental targeting 6-33
Keywords, Windows NT
entering 1-31
searching 1-32
viewing 1-32
Labeling peaks
see also Peak labels
chromatogram 3-54
customizing label appearance 1-25
factors affecting 3-52
manually 3-39
monoisotopic 3-43
partially resolved 7-11
spectrum 3-56
with amino acid, DNA, or RNA
labels C-5
with area 3-58
with charge state 3-43, 3-53, 3-58
with time 3-55
with vial number 3-55
see also Data cursor
see also Peak labels
see also Trace labels
AC 5-34
added and subtracted spectra 4-22
AdvBC 5-53
BC 4-29, 5-47
BO 4-28, 5-46
Labels (continued)
CNL 4-9
CT 5-36
DECONV 5-40, 5-41
filtered trace 4-25
ISO 6-6, 6-16, 6-33
MC 5-13
NF 4-19, 5-44
NR 4-19, 5-44
retention time displayed 4-22
RSM 5-44
SC 5-60
SM 4-19, 5-44
TR 5-57
XAC 4-14, 4-15
XIC 4-7
Ladder Sequencing macro C-2, C-5
Landscape printer orientation
lost when you exit 9-13
setting permanently 2-35
LBC or LBS files, in DAT format
applying 3-65
creating 3-64
description 1-7
extracting from DAT file 1-36
Line mode, traces 1-28
Line width, setting 1-26
multiple data files for zooming 2-13
traces within a data file 2-21
views 2-13
views, does not work 9-7
Local peak detection parameters
description, spectrum 3-28
setting, spectrum 3-28
Loss of H2O, determining C-11
Loss of NH3, determining C-10
Low Mass Gate spike, eliminating 5-56,