Appendix C Data Explorer Toolbox (Visual Basic Macros)
C-2 Applied Biosystems
C.1 Overview
Macros provided The following toolbox of Visual Basic macros is provided with
the Data Explorer software:
• Ladder SequencingUse when performing
sequencing to label peaks with the appropriate amino
acid, DNA residue, or RNA residue.
• Peptide FragmentationUse when examining
Voyager composite PSD spectra or Mariner in-source
CID spectra to label immonium ions, identify pairs, view
sequences based on different reference peaks, and
determine if a selected peak is of a specific fragment
ion category.
• Polymer AnalysisUse when analyzing polymer
spectra to calculate average molecular weight values.
• MS Fit/MS TagUse when analyzing peptide or
peptide fragment spectra to perform a protein database
Importing macros
If the macros listed above are not listed when you try to run
them (described in Section C.3, Accessing the Macros), you
must import them into the Data Explorer project. For
information, see Section 6.7.7, Importing or Exporting Macros
Modifying the
The Visual Basic macros described in this document are
provided in a file called DataExplorer.VB6 in the directory that
contains the Mariner or Voyager program file. New macros
you create using the Macro Recorder in the Data Explorer
software are also added to this file. You can modify the macros
in this file as desired. However, before you make changes,
make a copy of the DataExplorer.VB6 file (for example, make
a copy called DataExplorer.BAK). If the changes you make are
not acceptable, you can copy or rename the backup file over
the modified file.