Adding and Subtracting Raw Spectra Within a Data File
Data Explorer
Software User’s Guide 4-21
Figure 4-9 .Add and Subtract Spectra Dialog Box
4. Select spectra to add by doing one of the following:
• Right-click-drag the area of the trace in the
Chromatogram window. The numbers of the
selected spectra are added to the list window.
A range of spectrum numbers is indicated as
X:X. For example, 10:20 indicates spectrum
number 10 through spectrum number 20.
• Click , type the spectrum number range
to add, for example 10:20, then press Enter.
Hint: To sum non-contiguous regions of spectra,
repeat step 4. For example, you can add spectra
10 to 20 and spectra 30 to 40 to the list window.
5. Click in the Spectra To Be Subtracted list box.