Peak Detection
Data Explorer
Software User’s Guide 3-31
Filter Settings
Width Number of data points used in smoothing for peak detection
before integration. This value is automatically calculated by
the software if you select Use Resolution Dependent Settings
on the Basic Settings tab. For more information, see
Section 3.1.2, The Resolution-Based Peak Detection
NOTE: If you set Filter Width too high, narrow peaks may not
be detected.
Hint: If you manually set Filter Width, set to a number equal
to the number of points across the peak. To determine the
number of points across a peak, you can change the trace
display from Line to Vertical Bars. Each vertical bar
represents one data point. For more information, see
Section 1.4, Customizing the Data Explorer Window.
Increment Number of data points the filter moves across. Use 1 for all
This value is automatically set to 1 if you enable Use
Resolution Dependent Settings on the Basic Settings tab.
For more information, see Section 3.1.2, The Resolution-
Based Peak Detection Routine.
Table 3-4 Advanced Settings (Spectrum Data Only) (Continued)
Parameter Description