Customizing the Data Explorer Window
Data Explorer
Software User’s Guide 1-21
To use the Settings option:
1. Select Settings from the File menu.
2. Select one of the following:
• Restore Processing Settings
• Restore Graphic Settings
• Restore Graphic/Processing Settings
• Revert to the Last Saved Graphic/Processing
3. If you select a Restore Settings option, select or type the
name of the .SET file in the Restore dialog box, then
click OK.
Hint: You can also restore default processing and graphic
settings when you open a file or files. See Section 2.1,
Opening and Closing Data Files.
1.4.3 Customizing Toolbars
To customize the toolbar:
1. Select Customize Toolbar from the Tools menu to
display the Customize dialog box.
2. To display or hide a toolbar section, click the Toolbars
tab, then select or deselect a toolbar.
3. To add a button to a toolbar, click the Commands tab,
select the appropriate category, then click-drag the button
to any toolbar in the main toolbar.
Hint: To display a button description, click the button
within the Customize dialog box. You can add buttons
from any category to any toolbar. For example, you can
add buttons from the File category to the Graph toolbar.