Chapter 3 Peak Detection and Labeling
3-6 Applied Biosystems
3.2 Peak Detection
This section includes:
• Strategy for Mariner peak detection
• Strategy for Voyager peak detection
• Setting peak detection parameters
• Peak detection parameter descriptions
• Charge state determination and examples
3.2.1 Strategy for Mariner Peak Detection
This section gives some quick suggestions on how to
approach Mariner peak detection. For details on peak
detection, see Section 3.2.3, Setting Peak Detection
Default peak detection values are listed in Section 3.7, Default
Peak Detection Settings.
Strategy When detecting peaks in Mariner data:
1. Open the data file and observe the effects of the default
peak detection settings.
If you are analyzing resolved isotopes, default settings
should yield acceptable peak detection. The default
resolution setting of 5,000 is optimized for masses
below 3,000 Da.
2. If you are analyzing proteins, decrease the Mass
Resolution setting.