Index-4 Applied Biosystems
Calibrating mass, automatic (Mariner
data only) (continued)
reverting to instrument
calibration 5-22
troubleshooting 9-9
turning on 5-34
when to use 5-28
Calibrating mass, manual
see also Calibration constants
baseline correcting and deisotoping
to optimize mass
accuracy 7-14
calibration reference file
(REF) 5-17
commands dimmed on menu 9-11
constants, applying A and B to new
file 5-16
error, fit 5-12
error, initial 5-12
fit outliers, eliminating 5-12
importing, Voyager
requirements 5-25
multi-point calibration 5-8
overview 5-5
peak matches, clearing list 5-13
peak matches, sorting 5-11
peak matching, automatic 5-6
peak matching, manual 5-6
peak weighting factor 5-10
procedure 5-8
results 5-13
reverting to instrument
calibration 5-22
single-point calibration 5-8
troubleshooting 9-9
when to use 5-6
Calibrating mass, PSD (Voyager data
all segment masses
considered 8-15
calibration reference file
(REF) 8-21
constants, applying A and B to new
file 8-20
error message when selecting
calibration reference
file 8-14
internal calibration using known
monoamino acid fragment
ions 8-10
internal calibration, values
used 8-7
multi-point calibration 8-10
peak detection, checking before
calibrating 8-10
peak matches, clearing list 8-15
peak matching, automatic 8-15
peak matching, manual 8-16
peak weighting factor 8-14
Precursor mass, changing 8-23
procedure 8-12
results 8-18
reverting to instrument
calibration 5-22
selecting peaks for optimum mass
accuracy 8-19
selecting peaks near Max Stitch
Mass 8-19
single-point calibration 8-10
Calibration, see Calibrating mass