Index-6 Applied Biosystems
Charge state, peak (continued)
requirements for labeling 3-53
single 5-59
tolerance calculation 3-32
troubleshooting 9-17
z labels 3-58
zero 3-40, 3-43
Chro peak list tab, Output window 1-15
CHRO window, see Chromatogram
Chromatogram noise threshold
calculated automatically 3-21, 3-68
in peak detection algorithm 3-68
Chromatogram window
see also Chromatogram window,
see also Peak Labels
see also Traces
adding and subtracting
spectra 4-20
baseline correction 4-29
baseline offset 4-27
composite PSD data,
displaying 1-13
constant neutral loss (CNL)
chromatogram, creating
from 4-9
DAD (diode array detector),
displaying Mariner data 4-2
description 1-12
display range, adjusting 2-11
event tags (Mariner data only),
filtering 4-24
extracted absorbance
chromatogram (XAC) from
Mariner data, creating
from 4-13
extracted ion chromatogram (XIC)
chromatogram, creating
from 4-5
improving signal-to-noise ratio 7-2
Mariner data, displaying 1-12, 2-2
Chromatogram window (continued)
multispectrum Voyager data,
displaying 1-13
noise filtering 4-17
peak labels 3-52
peak list 3-38
results, opening 2-40
retention time, displaying 1-12
smoothing 4-17
spectrum number, displaying 1-12
traces, selecting type 4-2
vial #, displaying 3-55
Voyager data, displaying
multispectrum 2-7
Chromatogram window, traces
adding 2-18
do not print 2-34
overlaying 2-25
overlaying from different data
files 2-24
previewing and printing 2-33
trace labels in chromatogram 2-30
CID data, labeling C-9
see also Extracted ion
chromatogram (CNL)
in chromatogram header 2-30
background, changing 1-23
changing to black before
printing 2-33
customizing 1-25
default, Mariner 1-4
default, Voyager 1-4
overlaid traces 2-27
setting 1-25
Combined spectrum
creating 5-4
definition 5-2
example 7-4, 7-6
label 5-4