Peak Detection
Data Explorer
Software User’s Guide 3-21
NOTE: In previous versions of Data Explorer software,
peak detection allowed you to specify Peak Width and
Noise Threshold for chromatogram data. The software now
Uses a minimum peak width that is equal to the Filter Width,
and a maximum peak width of 10,000 data points.
Calculates the Noise Threshold by performing an automatic
signal-to-noise calculation on a chromatogram and by using
75 percent of the noise value determined as the threshold.
Filter Width
Hint: Set Filter Width to a number equal to the number of
points across the peak. To determine the number of points
across a peak, you can change the trace display from Line to
Vertical Bars. Each vertical bar represents one data point.
For more information, see Section 1.4, Customizing the Data
Explorer Window.
Integration Baseline Settings
NOTE: You can set peak labels to display peak start, peak end, and baseline marks.
See Section 3.5.2, Setting Chromatogram and Spectrum Peak Labels.
Valley-to-Baseline Drops a vertical line from all valleys to a horizontal baseline.
The level of the horizontal baseline is determined using the
minimum peak valley point (left or right) for each peak. See
Figure 3-25 on page 3-70.
Valley-to-Valley Forces a baseline through all valley points. See Figure 3-25
on page 3-70.
Trace Settings
Use same settings
for all traces in view
Applies settings to all traces in the active window.
Table 3-1 Chromatogram Settings (Continued)
Parameter Description