Displaying PSD Data
Data Explorer
Software User’s Guide 8-5
NOTE: The entry number in the PSD Segment list
above may not correspond to Segment number
specified in the Segment list for acquisition (described
in the Voyager Biospectrometry Workstation User’s
Guide) if you did not acquire all segments, or did not
acquire segments in order of decreasing Mirror Ratio.
The number above reflects the order of acquisition. For
example, if you listed Segments 1 through 5 for
acquisition, but acquired Segments 1, 3, and 5, you
would see three entries above that correspond to the
three acquired segments.
3. In the Spectrum window, click the first Not Used trace.
4. In the PSD Processing dialog box, double-click the Entry
number of the segment to add.
5. Repeat step 3 and step 4 to display additional segments.
6. To advance through traces, select any trace, then click
and .
Redisplaying the
To redisplay the composite spectrum, click Generate
Composite in the PSD Processing dialog box (Figure 8-2).