
Chapter 6 Using Tools and Applications
6-36 Applied Biosystems
Functions you perform in the Output window, for example,
sorting or copying the peak list, are not supported by the
Macro Recorder.
View No commands supported
Display Add/Remove Traces
NOTE: The and buttons are supported by the Macro Editor.
Processing History
Graphic Options*
DefaultRevert to Last Graphic Settings
Process PSD processing
Mass CalibrationManual Calibration
Mass CalibrationPSD calibration
Mass CalibrationAutomatic Calibration
Mass CalibrationRevert to instrument calibration
Mass CalibrationEdit/Create Reference File
Dual Spectral Trace Arithmetic
Multiple ChargeMass Deconvolution
Peaks Peak Detection*
Peak Label*
Insert Peak (chromatogram)
Tools Processing History Options
Customize Toolbar
Customize ToolMenu
Macro commands, including Automatic Macros
Applications Elemental Targeting
Ion Fragmentation Calculator
Window No commands supported
* You can apply specific Graphic Options or Peak Detection settings by creating a macro that loads a
.SET file containing the desired settings. You can apply specific peak labels by creating a macro that
loads a .USR (user label file) containing the desired labels.
Menu Commands Not Supported