Chapter 8 Viewing Voyager PSD Data
8-2 Applied Biosystems
8.1 Displaying PSD Data
This section includes:
• Displaying the composite spectrum
• Advancing through segment traces
• Displaying multiple segment traces
• Redisplaying the composite spectrum
• How the composite spectrum is generated
NOTE: For information on acquiring PSD spectra, see the
Voyager Biospectrometry Workstation User’s Guide.
Displaying the
NOTE: You cannot display the PSD data you are currently
acquiring in the Instrument Control Panel in the Data
Explorer software until you stop the PSD experiment in the
Instrument Control Panel. Error messages are displayed if
you try to open the file. For more information, see the
Voyager Biospectrometry Workstation User’s Guide.
To display PSD data:
1. Open the PSD data file of interest in the Data Explorer
software as described in Section 2.1, Opening and
Closing Data Files.
NOTE: PSD data files are named with a .DAT
extension. When you acquire PSD data files, include a
_PSD suffix when you name PSD data files, for
example, Test_PSD, to help you distinguish them from
non-PSD data files.
The composite spectrum is generated as described in
“How the composite spectrum is generated” on
page 8-6, and displayed with a Stitched PSD trace label
(Figure 8-1).