5-4SectionError Processing
All SRM1 indicators will be OFF for the power interruption error. For all other fatal
operating errors, the POWER and ERR/ALM indicators will be lit. The RUN indi-
cator will be OFF.
Message FALS
Meaning and appropriate response
Power interruption
(no message)
None Power has been interrupted for at least 10 ms. Check power supply voltage and power
lines. Try to power-up again.
AR 1308 ON: An unspecified bit area exists in the user program. Check the program
and correct errors.
AR 1309 ON: An error has occurred in the flash memory. Since the number of writings
to the flash memory has exceeded the specified level, replace the SRM1.
AR 1310 ON: A checksum error has occurred in read-only DM (DM 6144 to DM 6599).
Check and correct the settings in the read-only DM area.
AR 1311 ON: A checksum error has occurred in the PC Setup. Initialize all of the PC
Setup and reinput.
AR 1312 ON: A checksum error has occurred in the program. Check the program and
correct any errors detected.
AR 1314 ON: Power interruption hold area was not held. Clear the error and reset the
settings of the power interruption hold area.
AR 1315 ON: An error has occurred in CompoBus/S communications. If the error
cannot be corrected, replace the SRM1.
NO END INST F0 END(01) is not written in the program. Write END(01) at the end of the program.
(** is 01 to 99 or 9F.)
01 to 99 A FALS(07) instruction has been executed in the program. Check the FALS number to
determine the conditions that caused execution, correct the cause, and clear the error.
9F The cycle time has exceeded the FALS 9F Cycle Time Monitoring Time (DM 6618).
Check the cycle time and adjust the Cycle Time Monitoring Time if necessary.
5-4-3 Identifying Errors
Errors can be identified from error messages displayed on the Programming
Console, error flags in the SR or AR areas, and the error code in SR 25300 to
SR 25307.
Error Messages Error messages generated by the self-diagnosis function can be read from a
Programming Console or host computer running SYSMAC Support Software.
Error Flags When the self-diagnosis function detects a hardware error, it will turn on the cor-
responding error flags in the SR and AR areas.
Error Code When an error is detected by the self-diagnosis function, the corresponding er-
ror code is written to SR 25300 to SR 25307. (The error code is an 2-digit hexa-
decimal code.)
5-4-4 User-defined Errors
There are three instructions that the user can use to define his own errors or
messages. FAL(06) causes a non-fatal error, FAL(07) causes a fatal error, and
MSG(46) sends a message to the Programming Console or host computer con-
nected to the SRM1.
FAILURE ALARM – FAL(06) FAL(06) is an instruction that causes a non-fatal error. The following will occur
when an FAL(06) instruction is executed:
1, 2, 3... 1. The ERR indicator on the SRM1 will flash, but operation will continue.
2. The instruction’s 2-digit BCD FAL number (01 to 99) will be written to
SR 25300 to SR 25307.
The FAL numbers can be set arbitrarily to indicate particular conditions. The
same number cannot be used as both an FAL number and an FALS number.
To clear an FAL error, correct the cause of the error and then execute FAL 00 or
clear the error using the Programming Console.