CarChip Online Help Printable Version
Fuel Pressure 0 to 110 psiG, 0 to 765 kPaG 0.5 psiG, 3 kPaG
O2 Sensor Voltage (B1-2, S1-4,
8 total)
0 to 1.275 V 0.005 V
Ignition Timing Advance -64° to 63.5° 0.5°
Short Term Fuel Trim -100% to 99.22% 0.8%
Long Term Fuel Trim -100% to 99.22% 0.8%
Battery Voltage 6 to 16 VDC 0.1 VDC
*Range and resolution of sensor measurements only. Accuracy is dependent on the accuracy of the
vehicle’s sensors.
See also:
Incompatible Vehicle List
Connecting an Older Model CarChip to a Computer
The older models of the CarChip data logger connect to your computer using a USB connection (# 8211,
8221, 8225, 8241, 8245) or using a serial port connection (# 8210, 8220). See Connecting CarChip Pro to
a Computer if you have a CarChip Pro or CarChip Fleet Pro (# 8226, 8246).
Note: The CarChip data logger does not have to maintain a constant connection with your computer. The
CarChip can be connected and disconnected at any time the CarChip software is not downloading
information from the CarChip data logger.
To connect the CarChip data logger to your computer using a USB connector:
1. Locate a free USB port on the front or back of your computer and insert the USB connector of the
download cable into the USB port.
2. Plug the microminiature connector into the port on the CarChip data logger.