Agilent Technologies 5962-8200 Video Gaming Accessories User Manual

2 - Verification and Performance Tests
Current-Monitoring Resistor
To eliminate output-current measurement error caused by voltage drops in the leads and connections, connect the
current monitoring resistor between the -OUT and the load as a four-terminal device. Connect the current-monitoring
leads inside the load-lead connections directly at the monitoring points on the resistor element.
Operation Verification Tests
To assure that the supply is operating properly, without testing all specified parameters, perform the turn-on and
checkout procedures given in the User’s Guide.
Performance Tests
NOTE: A full Performance Test consists of only those items listed as “Specifications” in Table A-1 of the
User’s Guide, and that have a procedure in this document.
The following paragraphs provide test procedures for verifying the supply's compliance with the specifications listed
in Table A-1 of the User’s Guide. All of the performance test specifications and calculated measurement
uncertainties are entered in the appropriate Performance Test Record Card for your specific model. You can record
the actual measured values in the column provided in this card.
If you use equipment other than that recommended in Table 2-1, you must recalculate the measurement uncertainties
for the actual equipment used.
You can program the supply from the front panel keyboard or from a GPIB controller when performing the tests. The
test procedures are written assuming that you know how to program the supply either; remotely from a GPIB
controller or locally using the control keys and indicators on the supply's front panel. Complete instructions on
remote and local programming are given in the User’s Guide and in the Programming Guide.
Table 2-2. Programming and Output Values
Model Full scale
Vmax Full Scale
Imax Isink OV Max
6611C 8 8.190 5 5.1187 - 3 A 8.8
6612C 20 20.475 2 2.0475 - 1.2 A 22
6613C 50 51.187 1 1.0238 - 0.6 A 55
6614C 100 102.38 0.5 0.5118 - 0.3 A 110