Color control strip
■ Check this option either on or off to print a band of colors along the bottom
edge of your prints. The default is off.
■ The colors are the printer’s 8 primary and secondary colors: cyan,
magenta, yellow, black, red (magenta and yellow), green (cyan and
yellow), blue (cyan and magenta), and black (cyan, magenta, and
■ The colors are printed at 100 percent saturation or brightness, and also
at 50 percent.
■ The colors reflect the current color correction or PhaserMatch custom
profile selected in the driver.
■ The printed band also includes information about the file, such as File (file
name), Color Profile (color correction or PhaserMatch custom profile), and
the Date/Time of printing.
■ Use this option to check the consistency of printed colors between prints
made on the same printer, or between prints made on more than one of the
same type or model of printer.