Configuration and Sample Files 65
E-EQ-MX3RG-J-ARC MX3 Reference Guide
For 2.4GHz Radio (with ANSI Plus)
Command Explanation
@ECHO OFF Do not display batch command text during AUTOEXEC.BAT
file run
*/ When the computer starts up, the operating system will look in
these directories for the files it needs
SET TEMP=C:\TEMP Place temporary files/data here
set sockets =c:\pctcp
C:\pctcp\XXXXXX Load the 2.4GHz radio driver here:
WVLAN43 for Lucent radio
RL2PCM for Proxim radio
AWCO48C for Cisco 340radio
CSCODI for Cisco 350 radio
SLAODI for Symbol radio
c:\pctcp\odipkt.com 0 0x69
c:\pctcp\socketp.exe c:\pctcp\socket.cfg
Look in this file for TCP/IP parameters
Note: The Proxim radio requires that /m=12288 follows
C: Move DOS pointer to the C drive
cd \aplus Move DOS pointer to the LXE Terminal Emulation (e.g. ANSI
Plus) subdirectory
xxxxx.xxx Load the keyboard driver (for ANSI Plus loads only)
aplus Run the TE interface program (e.g. ANSI Plus)