Hardware Configuration 27
E-EQ-MX3RG-J-ARC MX3 Reference Guide
COM Ports
The MX3 has two serial ports available in three configurations.
In the first configuration, both COM1 and COM2 are connected to individual D-9 connectors on
the endcap.
In addition, COM2 is software switchable between the D-9 serial port and the internal IR port
located on the back of the unit.
In the third configuration, COM1 is connected to an internal SE923 scanner and COM2 is
software switchable between the D-9 connector on the endcap and the internal IR port on the back
of the unit.
Power to the COM ports may be turned off using a terminal emulation configuration utility.
This port supports 4 signals, instead of the 8 signals supported by a standard PC COM port. There
are two hardware selectable configurations of the COM1 port:
• COM1 connected to a D-9 serial connector
• COM1 connected to a scanner
The signals supported by this communication port are:
• RX Receive Data
• TX Transmit Data
• RTS Request to Send
• CTS Clear to Send
Though the signal Ring Indicator (RI) is not supported, the MX3 can use this signal as a wake-up
event. Alternatively, this signal can be set up as +5V output on Pin 9 of the D-9 connector.
COM 2 - IR Port
The IR port provides bi-directional half-duplex IR communication at a maximum baud rate up to
115k (although restricted if using IrDA software to 19.2k). The IR port supports the Slow IrDA
PHY Layer standard.
This port supports 4 signals, instead of the 8 signals supported by a standard PC COM port. There
are two software selectable configurations of the COM2 port
• COM2 connected to a D-9 serial connector
• COM2 connected to the internal IR transceiver
The following signals supported by this communication port are:
• RX Receive Data
• TX Transmit Data
• RTS Request to Send
• CTS Clear to Send
Though the signal RI is not supported, this signal can be used as a wake-up event. Alternatively,
this signal can be set up as +5V output on Pin 9 of the D-9 connector.