IrDA Lite Plus 99
E-EQ-MX3RG-J-ARC MX3 Reference Guide
5. During the MX3 bootup process, access the BIOS Setup. (For instruction please
see Chapter 4, “System Configuration”.)
Verify that PM Enable is Enabled. Verify the CPU parameter is set to Aggressive
(Aggressive waits one second before slowing the clock).
Note: IrDA Lite Plus sends frames at approximately 160 mSec.
If performance becomes an issue, set the CPU to Moderate. (System Menu | PM |
Change the parameter value if necessary. Select the SCU “Save/Reboot” exit
option and continue the MX3 reboot operation.
A message similar to the following is displayed as the IrDA Lite Plus driver loads on the MX3
and/or PC:
IrDA Lite Plus Driver Version
X.XX using COM1 with maximum
speed at 9600 bps.
File Transfer Using IR Ports
Note: The MX3 and the external computer must be running the same communication software.
When using a PC that does not have an installed IR port, a commercially available serial to
infrared adapter is required. Connect the adapter to the PC’s serial port before continuing.
1. If necessary, enable the IrDA protocol driver (IRPLUS.EXE) in the MX3
2. Begin running the communications software on the receiving unit. Set up the
software to receive data.
3. Begin running the communications software on the sending unit. Set up the software
to send data.
4. Face the infrared ports on the two devices toward each other, and place the units
approximately 3 feet apart. Offset the optical centerline of the two devices 15
degrees. The IR operating envelope has a distance range of 2 cm (.79 inches) to 1
meter (3.2 feet) with a viewing angle of 30 degrees.
5. Press the appropriate keys on the units to transmit the file.