164 Hardware Problems
MX3 Reference Guide E-EQ-MX3RG-J-ARC
Problem Solution
You are having trouble accessing data
on a PCMCIA card or some of the
data appears to be missing.
Run the DOS CHKDSK command, which analyzes
the directories, files and the File Allocation Table
(FAT) on the card.
CHKDSK reports no errors and
you’re still experiencing problems.
Can you access the PCMCIA card? Try to view the
contents of the directory. For example, try using the
DOS DIR command. If the DIR command doesn’t
display all the files stored in the directory, recovering
data is unlikely.
SRAM card will not work. PicoCard supports SRAM cards with the Phoenix
ATA driver PCMATA. Format the SRAM in another
computer and try again.
Data files are damaged or corrupted. Refer to your software documentation for file recovery
procedures. Many software packages automatically
create backup files.
Receive message “Warning: conflict
with system COM”.
The COM port selected is already being used by
another device. If you know what COM ports are
available, you can edit the PCM.INI file and change
the COMORDER= number to an available COM port.
Note: COM4 seems to be the best choice for PC
Receive message “Invalid command
line switch”.
Command line switches are in the PCM.INI file, not
the CONFIG.SYS file.
Receive message “A previous version
of Card and Socket Services has been
detected. You must first remove this
version and rerun install.”
Run Deinstall to remove the older/other software.
DEINSTAL.EXE is a stand-alone DOS program.