24 Hardware Configuration
MX3 Reference Guide E-EQ-MX3RG-J-ARC
AT Compatible Core Logic
The LXE MX3 utilizes AT-compatible core logic. The MX3 supports the following I/O
components of the core logic:
• Two PCMCIA slots (Slot 1 supports Type I, II or III PCMCIA cards, Slot 0 supports
Type I or II PCMCIA cards.).
• One InfraRed port.
• One Digitizer Input port (Touch screen).
• Two serial ports in two configurations (internal scanner port and a serial port option
and the second configuration consists of two traditional serial ports).
System Memory
Main system memory is 4MB Internal Flash Array and 4MB on-board RAM. The CPU also
contains a 1MB BIOS Flash.
Upper Memory Block
The upper memory area, or Upper Memory Block (UMB) consists of memory between 640KB
and 1 MB. It occupies most of the address range A0000H-FFFFFH and includes the areas used to
shadow various system software components.
Internal Flash Array
The Internal Flash Array (IFA) is used to store all of the system files on the 4MB C drive that are
used during system startup.
Video Subsystem
The display has a 640 pixel (horizontal) by 240 pixel (vertical) format which, depending on the
font used, provides 15 rows of 80 characters in VGA 8 x 16 text mode. It provides 30 rows of 80
characters in 8 x 8 text mode and 17 rows of 80 characters in 8 x 14 text mode.
Character size is 2.28mm (width) by 4.92mm (height) in VGA 8 x 16 text mode and 2.28mm
(width) by 2.28mm (height) in 8x8 text mode. The display contrast is adjustable with the contrast
control keys or key sequences. Backlighting is available and can be configured through the BIOS
Setup Utility.
The display controller supports VGA text and graphics modes.
An optional touch feature is available. The touch feature is for batch, Client Server or non-TE
applications. The Touch option allows mouse functions (pointing and clicking on the display or
Signature Capture) to be performed with either the touch of a finger or an LXE approved stylus.