124 Serial File Transfer Utility
MX3 Reference Guide E-EQ-MX3RG-J-ARC
Serial File Transfer Utility
A null modem cable must be used to connect the two computers. Both computers must have both
REMSERV and REMDISK set to the same settings. REMSERV is run on the host (which is
usually the mobile computer). REMDISK is run on the client (which is usually a desktop or laptop
Using this utility you can move files from one computer to the other over the serial line using the
DOS Copy or Xcopy commands.
REMSERV.EXE d: [/T] [/H] [/Bxxxx][+|-] [/COMn] [/IRQn]
/Bxxxx Set the baud rate. Choose from 300, 1200, 2400, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115. A ‘+’
after the BAUD specifies ‘packet’ style transfers. By default, packet transfers will
be used for all baud rates higher than 9600. Use ‘-’ after the BAUD to force polling
operation under Microsoft Windows 95. Both sides must agree on using either ‘+’
or ‘-’.
/COMn Set the communications port. Choose 1, 2, 3 or 4.
/IRQn Set the IRQ for the communications port. choose 3-15.
/S Silent (no output)
/Tnnn Set the timeout in seconds. Choose 2-3640, 15 seconds is not unusual for FLASH
/H Use Hardware Handshaking for flow control.
REMSERV D: /B38400- /COM2 /T10
/B115+ /COM1 /T2