LXE Diagnostics 115
E-EQ-MX3RG-J-ARC MX3 Reference Guide
Display Utility (DISP81.EXE)
This command is run at the DOS prompt. There are no parameters.
Run this command file to test the screen display. It will draw a border around the display, wait for
an <Enter> keypress, and then fill the inside of the box by turning on all the pixels. There are a
total of 640 pixels across and 240 pixels down the display area – 0,0 is located at the upper left
and 640,240 is located at the lower right.
File Transfer Utility (LXEF.EXE)
(Obsolete -- Replaced by REMSERV and REMDISK)
The LXEF.EXE utility gives you the ability to both transfer files to and from a PC through either
the MX3’s serial port or IR port, as well as act as the agent for the Mobile Enterprise SDK
Application. If neither the transmit file (/t) or the receive file (/r) option is specified, LXEF runs in
client mode, and will respond to both file transfer requests and remote information requests from
the Mobile Enterprise SDK Application.
LXEF [ /option1 /option2 … ] [ filename ]
/Com? [ : # ] where either Com1 or Com2 is used to indicate which com port is to be
used and optionally # can be set to represent the baud rate. E.g.:
/Com2:9600 (default) tells the utility to use the serial transfer protocol
through COM2 at 9600 baud. The serial protocol is also compatible
with multiple MX3’s running concurrently in powered cradles.
/Irda [ : # ] where Irda indicates that the utility should use the IrDA protocol
through the IrDA port. # represents the baud rate and by default (and
with some of the cradles) is set to 9600 baud.
/h displays the help message for the LXEF command.
/o Existing files may be overwritten during file transfers. If this option is
not used, file transfers will return an error if the specified file exists.
/r receives the specified file and then LXEF exits.
/t transmits the specified file and then LXEF exits.
/q Indicates that the LXEF utility should restrict its display messages to a
Filename is either the name of the file to send or receive if LXEF is being used to transfer files.
Keyboard Utility (KEY2381.EXE)
This command is run at the DOS prompt. There are no parameters.
Use this command file to display the keyboard key labels on the screen. As each key is pressed, its
label is cleared from the screen.