MX3 Reference Guide E-EQ-MX3RG-J-ARC
Each interface statement uses the IP address from the last supplied IP address statement.
Syntax (general)
interface type name class other parameters
Syntax (specific)
interface pdr name dix mtu numbuf intvec [irq]
interface asy name [slip | cslip | ppp] mtu buflim ioaddr
iovec speed [modemfile]
Type defines the type of hardware or software interface.
interface supports the following software interfaces.
Interface Description
Asy Standard PC asynchronous interface (RS232 port)
Pdr packet driver interface
name defines the name by which the interface is known on the local host. name is a symbolic
name known only to the local host on which it is used.
name may be arbitrarily assigned. Each interface command on the same host must have a unique
name assigned. This name is used by commands such as route, trace, param, and so on.
class specifies how IP datagrams are to be encapsulated in the link level protocol of the interface.
Some interfaces offer a choice between classes while others use a fixed class. The following
classes are available and are listed with their associated types.
Type Class (defined in the following list)
Pdr dix, ieee, token, driver, slip
Asy raw, slip, cslip, ppp
Class Description
Dix The DEC/Intel/Xerox Ethernet interface also known as Blue Book
Ethernet or Ethernet II.
Token IBM Token Ring. Source routing is supported for multiple rings.
Ieee IEEE: 802.3 Ethernet with SNAP headers.
Driver Use the default class for the packet driver.