ROM-DOS Commands 203
E-EQ-MX3RG-J-ARC MX3 Reference Guide
To install the REMDISK program from CONFIG.SYS at 19200 baud, on COM1, using packet-
style transmission, insert the following line in CONFIG.SYS and then reboot the system
(remember to include the full path to find REMDISK.EXE if not located in the root directory).
To display a help screen for REMDISK from the DOS prompt, enter
To install REMDISK from the DOS prompt or from a batch file (such as AUTOEXEC.BAT) at
9600 baud, without packet-style transmission, on COM2, enter
To unload the REMDISK installed from the batch file or the DOS prompt, enter REMDISK /U
Remote Disk Program
REMSERV is usually run on the MX3 (host). REMDISK is usually run on the client (e.g. a
desktop PC).
The remote disk program allows you to access a disk drive on a remote system via a serial cable
and standard PC-style (8250UART) serial port. In a remote disk setup, one system, the one that
shares its drives, is termed the server. The other system, the one that accesses and uses the remote
drives, is called the client. The serial ports on both systems must be connected via a null modem
cable. Remdisk / Remserv works across a standard 3-pin serial cable. The cable does not require
the CTS/RTS DTS/DTR pins.
To use the remote disk, both REMDISK and REMSERV must be running on their respective
systems and must use the same baud rate and packet or nonpacket-style transmission. After
starting both programs, you can access the new drive on the client system. You can change the
default directory to this new drive, copy files to and from the remote drive, and also run utilities
such as CHKDSK on the drive. The remote drive on the server system can be used as any other
drive on the client system.
The server system runs the program REMSERV.EXE that can make a single drive on the server
system available to the client. The available drive can be changed at any time by quitting the
REMSERV program and then running the program again with a new drive letter.
The server program can be terminated at any time by pressing the Esc key. The client can then no
longer access the server’s drive until the REMSERV program is run again.
REMSERV.EXE d: [/Tnnnn] [/H] [/Bnnnn][+|-] [/COMn] [/IRQn]
[/Tnnn] [/S]
where d: represents the letter of the drive the server makes available to the client.
The default is /B115+ /COM1 /T2
Option Description
/Bnnnn Selects the baud rate for transmission. Available baud rates are 300, 1200, 2400,
4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, and 115000. The default baud rate is 115000.
+/- The plus sign (+) after the BAUD specifies packet-style transmission and is
recommended for any baud rate over 19200. The default setting is to include +
for packet transmission. Use the minus sign (-) to specify polling operation under