44 Endcaps
MX3 Reference Guide E-EQ-MX3RG-J-ARC
Note: Your configuration may be different than those shown below.
COM Port Switching
The default COM 2 port is always the IR port on the back of the MX3, regardless of the endcap
installed on the MX3.
On the Standard Range Scanner / Serial Port endcap COM 1 is the Integrated Scanner port.
On the Dual Serial Port endcap the COM1 port is the serial port on the left side of the endcap
when the display is facing you.
An API can be run to switch power to the DB9 Serial port. If a tethered scanner is connected to
the Serial Port without switching the power to the COM2 port (serial port), the scanner will not
Scanner / Serial Port
Refer to the MX3 User’s Guide and the section titled “Scanner Warnings and Labels”
for important laser safety information before using the scanner.
The MX3 Barcode Scanner is used to collect barcode data from any nearby compatible barcode
label. Depending on the size of the barcode, size of bars and spacing and quality of the barcode,
the scanner is used to read barcodes between 3” and 30”. The barcode scanner reads UPC/EAN,
Code 39, Code 93, I 2 of 5, Discrete 2 of 5, Code 128, Codabar and MSI symbologies.
1. DC Power Connector
2. Scanner Aperture
(COM 1)
3. Serial Port (COM 2)
Figure 2-19 Standard Range Scanner / Serial Port Endcap
The internal barcode scanner scans only when the Scan button is pressed. Scan buttons have no
effect on tethered barcode scanners connected to the RS-232 port on the MX3 or a cradle
containing an MX3. The SCNR LED illuminates during any internal scanner activation.