138 NET.CFG Parameters
MX3 Reference Guide E-EQ-MX3RG-J-ARC
Sets the interrupt (IRQ) line to be used.
Default: 5
Configures whether the Symbol FHSS radio card will perform power management.
Valid: Y=Yes or N=No
Default: N
Note: This parameter is valid for Symbol FHSS radios only.
Configures whether the Symbol 4121 series radio will perform power management.
Valid: 0=CAM Constant Awake Mode
1=Power Management On
Default: 1
Note: This parameter is valid for Symbol 4121 series radios only.
This parameter is used to enable and manage the 802.11 WEP encryption. The radio card will
only associate with APs that support the same Auth_type.
Valid: “Open_System” or “Shared_Key”
Default: “Open_System”
Note: This parameter is valid for Symbol 4121 series radios only.
Updates the first, second, third or fourth encryption key, according to the value of #.
For Symbol 4121 series radio cards, use 5 pairs of hex digits for 40 bit encryption. Use 13 pairs
of hex digits for 128 bit encryption.
Enables encryption on Symbol 4121 series radios.
Valid: yes or no
Default: yes
Note: This parameter is valid for Symbol 4121 series radios only.
Note: This parameter was removed from the Symbol NET.CFG file by LXE effective 11/ 2003.