54 Installed Software
MX3 Reference Guide E-EQ-MX3RG-J-ARC
Software Loaded on Drive C
The software loaded on the MX3 computer consists of BIOS, Card and Socket Services, PCMCIA
card drivers, utilities, DOS 6.22, a protocol stack for 2.4 GHz radio support, radio drivers, and/or
a LXE terminal emulator.
The software supported by the MX3 is summarized below:
LXE Terminal Emulations
The terminal emulator resident on the MX3 determines the radio card type (900 MHz or 2.4 GHz)
installed in the MX3.
• ANSI Plus 2.4 GHz Terminal Emulator
• ANSI Plus 900 MHz Terminal Emulator
• DOS LDS Plus 900 MHz Terminal Emulator
• DOS IBM 3270 900 MHz Terminal Emulator
• DOS IBM 5250 900 MHz Terminal Emulator
• TN3270 2.4 GHz Terminal Emulator
• TN5250 2.4 GHz Terminal Emulator
FTP Software’s PC/TCP or Datalight’s Sockets
Used for 2.4 GHz radio management.
DOS Version 6.22
DOS Version 6.22 files are loaded in the DOS subdirectory. Only those DOS files required for
optimum performance are loaded on the MX3. Not all DOS 6.22 files are available on the MX3,
but may be added to the flash disk at a later time by the system administrator.
Used for PCMCIA card management. The following file types are resident in the MX3.
• Socket Services
• Card Services
Radio Drivers
Only one radio is installed in the MX3 at any one time. The radio resident on the MX3 determines
the radio card drivers (900 MHz or 2.4 GHz) installed in the MX3.
The SNMP DOS agent executable resides in the \AGENT directory for 2.4GHz installations. For
information on enabling/disabling the SNMP Agent, please refer to the “DOS Autoconfigurator
Instructions”. For details on Agent operation, please refer to the “SNMP Agent Reference
Guide”. Both manuals are available in electronic format on the LXE Manuals CD.
Please refer to the following section titled “Avalanche” when Avalanche is installed on the MX3.