102 IrDA Lite Plus
MX3 Reference Guide E-EQ-MX3RG-J-ARC
Print Through Cradle
Make sure peripherals and accessories are powered on: cradle, printer, PC, etc. Connect required
cables: RS-232 null modem for PC or non-IrDA printer, commercially available serial to infrared
adapter for PC.
Perform the steps in “Quick Start”. This will power up the MX3, edit the CONFIG.SYS file, the
AUTOEXEC.BAT file, load the IrDA Lite Plus file and establish the COM port / baud rate to use
for file transfer.
Note: Load the DOS file PRINT.EXE into the DOS subdirectory of the MX3 in the cradle.
When the DOS prompt (e.g. C:\>) appears on the MX3, you are ready to begin.
1. Seat the MX3 firmly into the cradle. Make sure the cradle has power.
2. Make sure the file to be printed is on the MX3.
3. Using the file name of the file to be printed (prntfile), type the following, at the DOS
prompt, on the MX3:
copy prntfile Press [Enter]
4. Press [Enter] again to accept the default device (PRN).
During transmission, the cradle’s Status LED will turn red. When transmission is complete the
Status LED will turn green.