
ENWW Using the Embedded Web Server 97
Primary WINS
Specifies the IP address of the primary Windows Internet Naming
Service (WINS) server. The WINS server provides IP address
and name resolution services for network computers and devices.
Secondary WINS
Specifies the IP Address to be used for WINS if the primary WINS
Server is unavailable.
Syslog Server Specifies the IP address of a host computer that is configured to
receive syslog messages from the HP Jetdirect print server. If a
Syslog Server is not specified, syslog messages are disabled.
For more information, see Appendix A
Syslog Maximum
Specifies the maximum number of syslog messages that can be
sent by the HP Jetdirect print server on a per-minute basis. This
setting allows administrators to control the log file size. The
default is 10 per minute. If set to zero, no maximum number is
Syslog Priority Controls the filtering of syslog messages that are sent to the
syslog server. The filter range is 0 to 8, with 0 being the most
specific and 8 being the most general. Only messages that are
lower than the filter level specified (that is, higher in priority) are
reported. The default value is 8 which reports all syslog
messages. A value of zero effectively disables syslog reporting.
Idle Timeout Specifies the number of seconds that an idle connection is
allowed to remain open. Up to 3600 seconds can be set. 270 is
the default value. If set to 0, the timeout is disabled and TCP/IP
connections will remain open until closed by the device at the
other end of the network (for example, a workstation).
TTL/SLP Specifies the IP multicast Time To Live (TTL) discovery setting
for Service Location Protocol (SLP) packets. The default value is
4 hops (the number of routers from the local network). The range
is 1-15. If set to -1, multicast capability is disabled.
For print servers configured for Auto IP (link-local) addresses, this
field will be ignored. TTL on outbound packets will always be set
to 255 and limited to the link-local network.
Table 4.1 TCP/IP Settings (2 of 3)
Item Description