ENWW The HP Jetdirect Control Panel Menu 216
(Available only if CONFIG METHOD is set to
MANUAL) Configure parameters directly
from the printer control panel:
● IP ADDRESS n.n.n.n: The unique IP
address of the printer, where n is a value
from 0 to 255.
● SUBNET MASK m.m.m.m: The subnet
mask for the printer, where m is a value
from 0 to 255.
● SYSLOG SERVER n.n.n.n: The IP
address of the syslog server used to
receive and log syslog messages.
address of the gateway or router used for
communications with other networks.
● IDLE TIMEOUT: The time period, in
seconds, after which an idle TCP print
data connection is closed (default is 270
seconds, 0 disables the timeout).
DEFAULT IP Specify the IP address to default to when the
print server is unable to obtain an IP address
from the network during a forced TCP/IP
reconfiguration (for example, when manually
configured to use BootP or DHCP).
● AUTO IP: A link-local IP address
169.254.x.x will be set.
● LEGACY: The address will
be set, consistent with older Jetdirect
PRIMARY DNS Specify the IP address (n.n.n.n) of the
Primary Domain Name System (DNS)
SECONDARY DNS Specify the IP address (n.n.n.n) of the
Secondary Domain Name System (DNS)
Table B.1 HP Jetdirect Control Panel Menu (2 of 7)
Menu Item Options Description of settings