ENWW HP Software Solutions Summary 20
Internet Printer Connection
The HP Jetdirect print server supports the Internet Printing
Protocol (IPP).
Using the appropriate software on your system, you can create an
IPP print path from your system to a supported
HP Jetdirect-connected printer over the Internet.
Note For incoming print path requests, the network
administrator must configure the firewall to accept
incoming IPP requests. Security features available
in the software are currently limited.
Features and benefits provided by Internet printing include:
● High-quality, time-sensitive documents can be printed remotely,
in full-color or black-and-white
● Documents can be printed remotely at a fraction of the cost of
current methods (such as fax, mail, or overnight delivery
● The traditional LAN printing model can be extended to that of
an Internet Printing Model
● IPP requests for sending print jobs can be transmitted outbound
through firewalls
HP-Supplied Software
HP Internet Printer Connection software allows you to set up
Internet printing from Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000 clients.
1. To obtain the software:
Download the HP Internet Printer Connection software from
HP online support at: