ENWW TCP/IP Configuration 76
TCP/IP Print Options
Command Description
9100-printing Enables or disables printing to TCP port 9100 on the print
server. 0 disables, 1 (default) enables.
ftp-printing Enables or disables the ability to print through FTP. 0
disables, 1 (default) enables. (TCP ports 20, 21)
ipp-printing Enables or disables the ability to print using IPP. 0 disables,
1 (default) enables. (TCP port 631)
lpd-printing Enables or disables the ability to print using LPD. 0 disables,
1 (default) enables.(TCP port 515)
banner Enables or disables printing an LPD banner page. 0 disables
banner pages. 1 (default) enables banner pages.
interlock Specifies whether an acknowledgement (ACK) on all TCP
packets is required before the printer is allowed to close a
Port 9100 print connection. A Port Number and Option value
are specified. For HP embedded print servers, the default
Port Number is 1. Option value 0 (default) disables interlock,
1 enables. For example,
interlock 1 1 specifies Port 2, interlock enabled.
mult-tcp-conn (Restrict Mult Prt) Enables or disables multiple TCP
0 (default): allows multiple connections.
1: disables multiple connections.
buffer-packing Enables or disables buffer packing for TCP/IP packets.
0 (default): is normal, the data buffer is packed before
sending to the printer.
1: disables buffer packing, data is sent to the printer as it is
write-mode Controls the setting of the TCP PSH flag for device-to-client
data transfers.
0 (default): disables this option, flag is not set.
1: all-push option. The push bit is set in all data packets.
2: eoi-push option. The push bit is set only for data packets
that have an End-of-Information flag set.
Command Description
addq Adds a user-defined queue. The queue name (up to 32
displayable ASCII characters), prepend string name,
append string name, and processing queue (typically, RAW)
must be specified in the command line. Up to six
user-defined queues may be added.
deleteq Delete a user-specified queue. The queue name must be
specified in the deleteq command line.
Table 3.4 Telnet Commands and Parameters (4 of 13)