ENWW TCP/IP Configuration 85
Command Description
link-type (10/100 Fast Ethernet) Sets the print server’s link speed (10
or 100 Mbps) and communication mode (Full- or
Half-Duplex). Selections are AUTO, 100FULL, 100HALF,
For AUTO (default), the print server uses autonegotiation to
determine the link speed and mode. If autonegotiation fails,
then 100HALF is set.
laa Specifies a locally administered address (LAA) that replaces
the factory-assigned LAN Hardware (MAC) address. If LAA
is used, a user-specified string of exactly 12 hexadecimal
digits must be entered.
For Ethernet print servers, the LAA address must start with
hexadecimal X2, X6, XA, or XE, where X is any hexadecimal
digit 0 through F.
The default address is the factory-assigned address.
scan-idle-timeout Specifies the number of seconds (1 - 3600) that an idle scan
connection is allowed to remain open. 0 disables the
timeout. The default is 300 seconds.
MFP-config (MFP config) Enable or disable print server support of the
client software provided with your multifunction or all-in-one
0 (default): disables client software support (allows printing
1: enables client software support (allows printing and
Command Description
Web JetAdmin URL (Read-only parameter) If HP Web Jetadmin discovers this
device, the URL to access HP Web Jetadmin will be
Web JetAdmin
(Read-only parameter) If HP Web Jetadmin discovers this
device, the name of the HP Web Jetadmin host will be
specified (if known).
support-name Typically used to identify the name of a person to contact for
support of this device.
support-number Typically used to specify a phone or extension number to
call for support of this device.
support-url A Web URL address for product information on this device
over the Internet or an intranet.
tech-support-url A Web URL address for technical support over the Internet
or an intranet.
Table 3.4 Telnet Commands and Parameters (13 of 13)